Energy and Innovation: Green Opportunities with the EEA and Norway Grants in Romania and Bulgaria
Innovation Norway invites you to an all information and matchmaking event on the Green Opportunities for funding your project and finding your partner.
Innovation Norway operates three programmes focussed on energy and green innovation in Romania and Bulgaria under the EEA and Norway Grants.
During spring 2021, the programmes offer a variety of Green Opportunities for financing to:
- Hydropower (EEA Grants) with deadline 31 May
- Green Industry Innovation (Norway Grants) in Bulgaria with deadline 24 June
- Electrification of Households (EEA and Norway Grants) in Romania with deadline 30 June
- Other Renewable Energy Sources (Norway Grants) with deadline 8 September
- Geothermal in Romania (EEA Grants) coming in May
- Research and Development in Romania (EEA Grants) coming in May
- Green Industry Innovation in Romania (EEA Grants) coming in May
- Support for startups in Romania (EEA Grants) and Bulgaria (Norway Grants) coming in May
The EEA Grants are funded by Iceland and Norway so Icelandic and Norwegian entities can be partners in the project. The Norway Grants is funded by Norway and open only for Norwegian entities as partners.
Date and timing
19 May 2021 - Day 1 presents information on funding opportunities for the open calls in Romania and Bulgaria
20 May 2021 - Day 2 focuses on bilateral cooperation and matchmaking
Timing (check your time zone):
Iceland | Norway | Romania and Bulgaria |
Day 1: 08:00 - 11:30 Day 2: 08:00 - 16:00 | Day 1: 10:00 - 13:30 Day 2: 10:00 - 18:00 | Day 1: 11:00 - 14:30 Day 2: 11:00 - 19:00 |
This event has two parts with two separate links for participants:
- Teams live event for webinars on day 1 and day 2
19 May: Opportunities on Green Industry Innovation
19 May: Opportunities on Energy in Romania
- B2Match for the matchmaking on day 2
Target Group
Romanian and Bulgarian enterprises, SMEs, startups, public authorities, NGOs and other legal entities.
Potential partners in Norway and Iceland, enterprises, research, development and innovation institutions, NGOs and any other actor interested in green opportunities.
This website will be continuously updated, so stay tuned for new information.
Questions? Get in touch!
- Sara Lier,
- Rannveig S. Gimse,